In Arkansas, parents may homeschool under the homeschool statute. If a registered sex offender lives in your home, or if your student is currently being disciplined by a public school, it’s imperative that you get individualized guidance before seeking to start a homeschool program.

Homeschooling under the homeschool statute

1. Annually notify the local public school superintendent that you are homeschooling.

Notification consists of annually filing a written notice of intent. Notice must be filed by August 15. It is not necessary to use any particular form, or any form at all, but it’s a very good idea to use a form from a trusted source to avoid inadvertently leaving out some of the information that is required. HSLDA has made a form available to our Arkansas members below. The Arkansas Department of Education also has a form available on their website.

The notice must include:

  1. The name, date of birth, gender, and grade level of the children;
  2. The name and address of the school each child last attended, if any;
  3. The mailing address of the homeschool;
  4. A telephone number;
  5. A statement that the parents agree that they are responsible for the child’s education while the homeschool program is continuing;
  6. A statement of plans to participate in public school interscholastic activities (optional);
  7. A statement of plans to seek a GED (optional);
  8. The name and signature of the person providing the homeschool program.

The notice may be submitted electronically, or by email, or by U.S. mail, or in person. This information is confidential and may be used only for statistical and record-keeping purposes. § 6 15 503(a-b). It is important for a parent to keep documentation showing that the notice was submitted.

If you decide to begin homeschooling after the start of the year and your child is enrolled in public school, you must file the notice 5 days prior to withdrawing your child from public school. HSLDA believes that this 5-day waiting period is unconstitutional.

If you move into the state or a new school district during the school year, you must file in the new district within 30 days after establishing residency there.

In 2019, the laws related to obtaining a learner’s permit or driver’s license were changed so that now no evidence of schooling needs to be submitted. Before the passage of the bill, HB 1867, homeschool students were required to submit a notarized copy of their current notice of intent to homeschool as part of the permit-license process. While the homeschool statute itself was not explicitly changed to come into line with this new law, we believe the legislature amended the requirement by implication, and we therefore believe it is no longer necessary for a family to notarize a notice of intent for a student who may seek a driver’s license or permit.

In 2021, HB1429 changed the 14-day waiting period for parents pulling their children during the school year to homeschool to 5 days.

2. No standardized tests are required.